How to Locate a Scheduled Task
There are several locations that you can quickly identify scheduled tasks:
The Main Dashboard has 3 locations.

- If you click on the "Show" under the News Feed to expand
- Click on the Contact Name to open the task

- If you you click the graph, a larger image will open.
- Click the blue bar over "Due Today" and all tasks due will open below the graph
- To open the event, click the "CRM" button

- If you click the "CRM Activity Due" under the Calander Image, a larger screen will open
- Click the handshake icon to open the task

How to Complete a Scheduled Task
- If you want to quickly complete the task without adding notes, click on the "Mark as Completed" button

- If you want to add notes or adjust the due date, click on the "Edit" button
- After you make your updates, remenber to click the "Save" button.

- A completed task looks the below image within your CRM Activities screen.

The Expanded Dashboard has 3 locations. The steps to complete a task are the same as above.