Creating & Emailing a Rate Quote
To create a rate for a contact, perform the following:
- If you are at the search screen, locate the contact and click the middle "handshake" button

- If you are in the contact info screen, locate the contact and click the CRM / Activities tab

- Click the Quote / Invoice button

- At the "Create New" option, select "Quote"

- The system will open the default template. Click the "Add New Line Item" button.

- Enter the quote information and click the "Update Invoice" button.

- Notice that the system will multiply the value in the "Quantity" field by the value in the "Unit Cost" field to calculate the total.

- When you are ready to send the quote, you'll first need to click the "Save" button. After the quote is saved, click the "Send"
button to email your contact. The system will ask you one time to confirm you want to send.